Police Department Contacts
Police Officers work odd hours and have other obligations such as court appearances or training that can make contacting them difficult.
The best way to contact a specific officer by phone is to call the non-emergency line at 513-791-8056 and request the Clerk connect you to the Officer's voicemail. You may also contact them via the e-mail list below.
E-Mail List
Chief David Battin - davidbattin@deerpark-oh.gov
LT Robert Miller - robertmiller@deerpark-oh.gov
LT Kevin Farmer - kevinfarmer@deerpark-oh.gov
LT Jeremy Jordan - jeremyjordan@deerpark-oh.gov
PO Robert Voland - robertvoland@deerpark-oh.gov
PO Greg Kleeman - gregkleeman@deerpark-oh.gov
PO Derek Noland - dereknoland@deerpark-oh.gov
PO James Murphy - <jamesmurphy@deerpark-oh.gov>
PO Jacob Johnson jacobjohnson@deerpark-oh.gov
PO Ryan Faehr - ryanfaehr@deerpark-oh.gov
PO Clint Townsend - clinttownsend@deerpark-oh.gov
CLK Lisa Sax - lisasax@deerpark-oh.gov
CLK Josey Huneke - joseyhuneke@deerpark-oh.gov
CLK Robert Keefe, Jr. - robertkeefe@deerpark-oh.gov
CLK Hannah Miller - <hannahmiller@deerpark-oh.gov>