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Brush Chipping Regulations

Chipping is generally every Friday, January thru October (chipping service is suspended during the curbside leaf pick up period of mid-October - mid December). Please have brush out BEFORE Friday.  (Note: fresh cut Christmas trees - with all decorations removed - may be placed at curb for pick up after the Holiday; this is part of the brush chipping service.)

Items to be chipped should be stacked with cut ends facing the same way and toward the street.

Limbs MUST be AT LEAST 4 feet in length (longer is better). Please do NOT bundle brush that is set out for chipping.

Limbs and branches MUST be at least 1 inch, but not more than 8 inches in diameter.

The following CANNOT be chipped:

  • Small sticks
  • Twigs
  • Clippings
  • Flowers
  • Vines
  • Roots
  • Stumps

These items can be placed in bags or in cans for Rumpke to pick up on your regular garbage pick up day. Roots cannot be chipped, and must be separated from bushes. 

Residents are responsible to have contractors, tree surgeons, landscapers, etc, remove their own materials and waste from the property. 

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