Building Permits & Inspections
Building Department Forms and Information
If proposed project & permit application necessitates plans to be submitted; 3 copies are needed for residential and for commercial.
You may mail, drop off (in office or in drop box), fax, or email, as feasible. Fax: 513-794-8866. Email:
Please click on links below as needed:
Building & Zoning Permit Application
Building permit process effective 10/2024
Building Demolition Application
Please note any electrical permits go through I.B.I. (Inspection Bureau Incorporated (513) 381-6080)
Building Permit Fees *Note: eff 2/1/2021: credit card transaction fee of 3% to be assessed on all credit card payments*
Fences, small sheds, driveway aprons, etc, require zoning permits, which are currently $25.00. Please submit application with three sets of drawings for proposed work. Contact the office for more information if needed. Click here for FENCE GUIDELINES
Public Right-Of-Way Permit (typically for utilities)
Please call or email with any questions. Phone 513-794-8860. email:
Building Dept hours (through the City Office) are 8 am - 4:30 pm Mon - Fri.